closeRomanian Girl DJ – DJ LAYLA started making waves in music industry and hit the charts in 2009 with her first single “Single Lady” produced by the project creators Radu Sirbu & Sianna who co-wrote the track. “Single Lady” (in featuring with Dee-Dee) has become a massive world-hit […]
closeMălina Tănase is a Romanian artist who discovered her passion for television during her childhood, along with the TV-show “Numai cu acordul minorilor” (“Only if the kids agree”), where she acted as a singer, dancer, actress and presenter for 2 years. In 2008, she accepted the challenge to impersonate one […]
closeThough female DJs don’t always get their due in a patriarchal industry, there’s no shortage of women who can hold their own behind the turntables. Dj NAD first Moldavian Dj-Girl is based out of Chisinau/Moldova, where she plays regular residencies at the famous clubs («Z»,«Moscova», «Military Pub», «Taxi Blues»). She […]
closeRadu Sîrbu (also known as Radu Sârbu, RadU, and Picasso) is a Romanian singer and music producer. He was part of the pop music trio O-Zone, well known in France, Italy, Germany, Romania, Mexico and the United Kingdom. Their most popular hits included “Despre tine” and “Dragostea din tei”. Later, […]
closeSianna (alias Sirbu Ana) is an Romanian singer-songwriter & record producer @ Rassada Music Label. She started her career with the track “Sweetest Pie” in 2010, followed by the tracks in collaborations with Dj Layla – “I’m Your Angel”, “Without Your Love”, “In Your eyes” or ” I Need Love”. […]
closeUn nou proiect vine să cucerească publicul cu o poveste motivaţională. Red Lyard lansează prima sa piesă, „When love is gone“. Single-ul este compus de Radu Sîrbu, Geørge şi Ana Sîrbu, iar poezia vizuală este regizată de Ivan Kamensky. Videoclipul a fost filmat în două anotimpuri, în mai multe locaţii […]
closeLORINA is a beautiful, young lady, semifinalist and well-known for her appearances in the famous television show “The Voice of Romania”, where she played in the duet with Stefan Stan, the winner of that show season. She is passionate, ambitious and hard-working artist, responsible for singles like “Away From Home”, […]
closeDee-Dee is a beautiful, young lady, semifinalist and well-known for her appearances in the famous television show “The Voice of Romania”, where she managed to melt the hearts of Romanian viewers by her generous voice. She considers that her involvement in Dj Layla’s project and being a semifinalist at The […]